Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

LOCALOCK : kuwacikecil feat. Khama Khama (Kiara Flisha)

it's my me time !!!

i need my own time,
i need my own space,

i need to stop,
i need to think,
i need to digest,

i need to catch those inspirations..

i need to write down whats inside my brain...

ooo... and i still need them to accompany me...

aahh.. spending a great quality time with my self
is making me really happy !!!

*this is Khama Khama a.k.a Kiara Flisha's LOCALOCK moment!!

I am so lucky to get this gift from a talented lady!!

this is super awesome for my brain!
every time i feel stuck, i just grab this notebook,
sketching, writing, daydreaming on it..
and... VOILA!!

hope you still aware to have your "me time", people!!
trust me... it's a treasure!


"localock" is my project to post the things that i have, get , given or buy from local (means Indonesian) creator..

*location : "Food For Thoughts, Queen Street, Singapore"

9 komentar:

  1. aku juga punyaaa...hihi... khama emang top abees deh :) kalo yg pengen si baik hati kiara sedang berbagi diblog ku,hehe ;p

  2. dia memang nona super baik hatiiiii.. ihihi... dan notebook nya baguuuuussss hihik.. sukaaakk

  3. waaa notebooknya lucu, aku jg baru ikut giveaway khama2 lwt blognya mb cemprut hehehe (halo mbaaaa *dadadada ke komen paling atas) jadi nggak sabar liat ntar sapa yg menang :D

  4. Aku juga punya notebook dari khama-khama :D
    dikasi mbak kiara menang giveaway dri blog gitu :p

  5. aku belom ditulis apa2 mbak.hihihi sayang bgt rasanya <3

  6. baguuuu banget ....
    mine ... is on the way .... hehehe .... can't wait ...

  7. hallo ria, aku udah follow your blog.
    interesting blog

    warm regards

  8. terimakasih semuanyaa untuk mampir ke kuwacikecil!! hihihihi
    hihi iya ini si khama khama memang aduhay!! eheh.. sempet gak tega mau nulis nulisin.. tapi apa daya... ini notebook bikin ide segerku bermunculaann!! :D ahahha!! thax ya nona kiara !! :D

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