...was about the white adidas shoes that you chose ...

... about the white roses that i dedicated to my mommy, daddy and lovely brother in heaven...

...about more than a hundred birds that I, my brother and my sister in law made...

.. about our dear friends who installed those birdies until the morning came...

...about the aisle of love where our dearest friends prepared every single thing for us...

...about the bride and the groom...

...about the commitment that we made...

..about our willing to be the very best friend until the end...

...about the tears that was hard to stopped...

...about the hugs while we whispered the name of those heaven people...

..about surrounded by people who LOVE us...

... and about the pasca wedding photo with the ring...

...Happy anniversary, dear Iwan Effendi..
...thank you so much for every single thing...
...Happy anniversary, dear Iwan Effendi..
...thank you so much for every single thing...

just like what you said tonight...
it's still a short time
...we're young...
...and we want to live and share the Love and laughs for another thousand years ...
..hope that we could bring the bless to the others...
it's still a short time
...we're young...
...and we want to live and share the Love and laughs for another thousand years ...
..hope that we could bring the bless to the others...

happy anniversary sista :)
BalasHapusaaaaaaaaaaaah... :'''''(
BalasHapushappy wedding anniversary ya mbak yu n mas iw :)
diparingi langgeng koyo mimi lan mintuno :)
happy wedding anniversary ya...
BalasHapusuuuuuuuh.....so sweeeeeeeeeet
wkt nikahnya manglingi banget deh ^_^
i wanna be married woman after seeing these photos
happy wedding anniversary mba Ri ^_^
terimakasih semuanyaaa!!! :)
BalasHapusamin amin amin!! semoga kami bisa menemani kalian terus yaa!! hihihi peluuk!!
Happy wedding anniversary for both of you! Postingnya sederhana dan buat terharu... :')
BalasHapushappy anniversary Mbak Ria dan Mas Iwan. iiihhhh terharu deh bacanya. itu burung2an bikin bagus gerejanya deh. mau banget entar nikah dibikinin begituan jugaaaaa
BalasHapusangguni!!! iya.. itu sebenernya gerejanya lagi direnovasi, terus kita berpikir keras mau diapain biar tambah cantik.. VOILA!!! :D
BalasHapusbener bener mau nangis begitu liat jadinya.. CANTIK BANGEETT!! hikhik... thanks to puluhan temen temen yang ngusir kita pulang untuk kasih surprise ini!!!
bon anniv! :)
BalasHapussweet...as always
BalasHapusHappy wedding anniversary mba riaaa... ^__^
BalasHapushappy weddingversary mbak ria, mas iwan..
*terharu dewe hiksss*
happy wedding aniversary mba Riaa,,,
BalasHapussweet banget deh postingannya,,
smoga langgeng jaya !!!
iih,,itu dekornya keren aja,,mba Ria banget dah..
terimakasih semuaaa!! bunch of thanks!!
semoga nggak pada bosen nemenin kami lebih lama lagi yaa!!:D PELUUK!!
baru sempet mampir mbak :) mengharukan sekali :')
BalasHapushappy anniversary ya mbak :)
trimakasiih banyaakk!! peluk kuat kuat juga buat duet maut puwi sama mbak olin!! :D
BalasHapusmengharukan.. mau nangis gak enak nioh.. bacanya di kantor...
BalasHapushuhuhuhuuuu... aku mau kewoooong....