happy easter, everyone!!!
hope all the bless, love and peace will come to all of us in the whole earth!
gosh.. been a while after my last post of LOCALOCK !!!
so.. here i am..on a special day... in my easter costume !!
i dressed up, and took some photos before i went to church today !
for sure.. this mini dress was designed and made by a wonderful Indonesian designer, a sweet friend of mine... ta daaaaa.... Lila Imelda Sari .. with her label "lemarilila" !! clap clap clap!!! :D
i just fell in love with the simplicity of the design, and how the light fabric covered my skin. It's perfect for the tropical weather !!! gosh!! LOVE IT !
and why i put "#1" in this post's tittle ?
because i have another pieces from lemari lila, guys!!
just wait for the other posts !!! :D
happy holidays!! :D
"localock" is my project to post the things that i have, get or buy from local (means Indonesian) creator. You can check another "localock" post in HERE and HeRe .. ;)
Waktu itu Ria dateng ke rumah, dan minta dibuatkan babydoll dengan ukurannya yang mungil (aka mini). "panjangnya segini ya mbak"
BalasHapus"bagian keteknya jangan lebar-lebar"
"talinya ojo kepanjangan"
Jadilah baju ini!
Yang jelas, Ria mau bajunya polos, tanpa aksen batik. Mau dibuatin lagi po? kabari lah ya....
Makasih Ria manis...
can't wait for another part of Lemari Lila! :)
BalasHapuswaaa lucuu!! mau donk dibikinin juga hehe :P (ngarep mode on hehe)
BalasHapus@mbak lila : trimakasih mbak lila!! hahah!! iya ya... gila.. kayaknya LOCALOCK bakal dipenuhi dress mu ni bu! haha!!
BalasHapus@luchie : thanks, mbak cihuy! :D silakan langsung menghubungi nona lila.. ahhaha!!
mbak Ria dan dressnya CUANTIIKKK!!!
BalasHapusselamat paskah Mbak Ria, Tuhan Yesus berkati :))
trimakasih nona puwiii!!! :D selamat paskah dan sukses ya kemaren inacraft nya!! ditunggu critanyaa!! ;)