Senin, 04 April 2011

why do we need to laugh ???

laugh ! laugh ! laugh !!!

laughing will make your face looks younger,

......your heart happier,

......your body healthier,

.....your mind clearer,

.....your soul stronger,

.....and your days brighter !!! :D

happy laughing, everyone !!!

*latest photo by dito yuwono

7 komentar:

  1. i love all of these happy people!

  2. mbak ria..hidup mu memang patut di tiru ho ho
    ...tidak pernah terlihat mbesengut, think positive gitu. dan yang paling penting yang di suka adalah cara mb ria memancarkan aura..kita semua jadi ikutan seneng :D

    *mari bergembira :)

  3. @ethan : all the people in the photos LOVE you too!!! :D Hugs!

    @bleu : ahhaha.. amin amiinn!! semoga bisa saling membagi hepi ya mbaak!! HORAY!! :D

  4. Thank you for the good laugh!!


    The Picnic Girl

  5. ihirr!! hahaha.. ketawaku akan kuperbanyak! makasih Mbak Ria! :D :D :D
