had another photo shoot and being surrounded by my puppets
(like usual.. hohoho)
visiting a FUN exhibition of Yogya KLASTIC community
...and bought this COCA COLA toy camera
Rp.25.000,- ONLY!!! Wohooooo!!!
heeeey... i met this guy! mas Sandi Kalifadani !!
he is yogi, and the one whom introduced me to Toy camera! :D
attended my niece's wedding
by wearing my flowery kebaya encim ! ;)
.. and have been worked since the beginning of the month !!!
(like usual.. hohoho)
visiting a FUN exhibition of Yogya KLASTIC community
...and bought this COCA COLA toy camera
Rp.25.000,- ONLY!!! Wohooooo!!!
heeeey... i met this guy! mas Sandi Kalifadani !!
he is yogi, and the one whom introduced me to Toy camera! :D
attended my niece's wedding
by wearing my flowery kebaya encim ! ;)
.. and have been worked since the beginning of the month !!!
....ehmm.. the last photo is a sneak peek of my artworks that will be performed at Kota Tua -Jakarta on July 16th.. and will also be exhibited in Papermoon Puppet Theatre's solo exhibition on August-October 2011 at Esplanade Theater of The Bay - Singapore !!! ohohhoho!!
there will be lots of posting about it, guys!!! :D
there will be lots of posting about it, guys!!! :D
foto 1: itu yg kribo merah sapa? kok lom pernah liat...???
BalasHapusfoto 2: ngiler... ;p
foto 3: besok kalo maen mo ngembat tuh kamera ;p
foto 4: mas pendik endutan ya...
foto 5: july tanggal 16 siap terjadwal.. lemmi know yaaaah ;p
aaaa...kamu gituuuu... kan ada Sunday Brunch di Mooi jugaaaaa.. uuu..uuu..uuu..
The Picnic Girl
Join my 2nd blogaversaire giveaway!
nona ditaa!! ahahhha!!!
BalasHapusfoto 1 : itu nona yang aku pentasin taun 2008... lucu banget deh dia... :*
foto 2-3 : ups.. langsung diumpetin buru buru.. hihik
foto 4 : begitulah... kami memang sedikit montoks sekarang.. hiih
last photo : i will let you know!! :D hugas hugas!!
@miy : wuahauhuhahua!! NOTED!! sudah saya tambahin mbak miy!! maap.. lha kan potonya gak ada di kamera sayaaa... hihhihi... *adalah bergegas mencomot fotonya dito, ndak dijothak! ahihiahia
very very appreciated, kakaaak! ahahah.. Hugs..hugs..
BalasHapusI'll make you some sweet citrus marmalade again,then..
The Picnic Girl
uh uh uh pengen kamera begituan mba'ee. btw itu cafe book shopnya udh jadi blom mba? pengen pengen pengen (pengenan semuaa :P)
BalasHapus@miy : ihhihi mau mau mau kulit djeruukk!! nyam!
BalasHapus@jengbonbon : nantikan Lir buka ya cyiiin!!! itu nona di atasmu lah sang pemiliknya! taksabaaarr jugaakk!! :D kamera eik aduhay punya kan? nantikan hasil foto fotonya yaakk!! :D
waaa aku kmrn jg mau ke karta pustaka mb, tapi nggak jadi huft :(( waaa nyesel nggak kesana
BalasHapusbikin kantong bolong, luchie!!! ahhahah!!! so FUN!!
BalasHapusNo belanja kain, Mbak? Really? No belanja kain? Hihihi... *terorjahitkebaya*
BalasHapusoohhookk..ohook... ohohookkk!! (batuk bengek berkepanjangan)